Tuesday, September 11, 2012


It was one of those days that you remember where you were and what you were doing when you heard the news. You remember what the day was like as it unfolded.

Fears. Worries. Anger. Sadness. Concerns. Questions. Lots of prayers.

I remember the eerie silence of the beautiful blue sky. No noise. No contrails. So strange.

I remember how churches filled to overflowing on the Sunday after the reminder that we are not in control of much of anything in this world. People, who don’t usually, remembered a God who loves them, even as we had questions for him.

It’s good to remember, and it seems that in a lot of ways we have forgotten (again). How quickly we go back to the illusion that we are in control of our lives and that we are not totally dependent upon God for each breath we take.

Remember. Don’t forget.

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