Thursday, August 30, 2012

What's God Like?


What’s your image of God? How do you imagine him? A sleepy old white-haired man on a big throne? Super-sized cosmic Santa Clause? An angry policeman or parent, just waiting for you to mess up again? Distant? Aloof?

The image we have of God is shaped in lots of ways. The way we were raised has a lot to do with it.

J.B. Phillips, a long time ago, wrote a book that’s worth reading. His point in "Your God is too Small" is that we can overcome all our inadequate and harmful images of God by looking at Jesus.

Indeed that is the claim of Jesus that pervades the New Testament. Jesus said plainly in John 14, "Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father."

Jesus is God in the flesh, showing us who he is and what he wants from us.

What do we see, when we look at Jesus? A compassionate, caring God who came to save and not condemn. He is worth getting to know and getting to know better. How? Read his story in John, Luke, Mark, and Matthew

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